June 2, 2022
The first day album! Songs are inspired using a table of ideas and a deck of cards, drawn from without replacement. Before I started this, I was worried all my songs would end up being based on ideas I had beforehand, which would be against the spirit of things. This didn't really happen. The only things that I had come up beforehand were the table of ideas, the album's name, and what the cover would look like.
I'm generally happy with these songs, but my arrangements are a little samey. A lot of them don't really grow or change beyond adding / removing tracks.
The 24 hour period the album was made in wasn't contiguous since I had to sleep, which is kind of a bummer. Future Day Albums will likely have to be exercises in pacing myself, maintaining energy, and starting early if I want to avoid this in the future.
The font on the cover is Antelope H by Tom7. The egg on the cover was dinner a couple nights ago.
Queen of Hearts (Cross-relations)
Joker (Draw two more cards)
Queen of Diamonds (Swing)
King of Diamonds (Triplets)
LMMS quantized some of the swing notes in a weird way, so I just used the MuseScore export.
Seven of Clubs (Clusters)
King of Clubs (Chromatic Mediants)
Used some sampled chords and drum segments from Garageband + my thrift store Casio keyboard. I'm convinced I've heard this chord progression somewhere before.
Ace of Clubs (Tritone Substitutions)
Jack of Diamonds (Odd Time Signatures)
This one uses some organ chords recorded from the Casio. While making this song I accidentally discovered how to use my sampler VST's LFO. It gives the organ chords a nice rotary feel.
Four of Spades (Trade Between Speakers)
Four of Diamonds (Polyrhythm / Polymeter)
I was pretty annoyed at getting the Four of Spades here, as it meant I had to stop making everything mono.
Five of Spades (Sidechain)
Eight of Clubs (Diminished Chords)
More Casio chords. I like the tone of the filter on this one.
Ace of Diamonds (Asymmetric Subdivisions)
Four of Hearts (Approach Notes)
Pro Gamer Tip: If you don't like how a song is shaping up, give it a really cool and/or really long title in an attempt to distract people. This never fails.
Ten of Diamonds (Metric Modulation)
Two of Diamonds (Abrupt Stop / Start)
This one's definitely an experiment. I wrote a bunch of piano snippets that I thought sounded interestingly mechanical and sequenced them. The different segments are in different time signatures but each take the same amount of time, thus fulfilling the metric modulation requirement. I think this leads to an interesting sound, but it could definitely be executed better.
Nine of Hearts (Repeated Ostinatos)
Eight of Spades (Tremolo)
This is the first song written after that sleep break mentioned in the description. This one samples a single note from the Casio rather than a whole chord, which allows me to have more fun with the voicings.
Six of Diamonds (Claves / Tresillos)
Three of Hearts (Long Rests)
NITRO SCHOOL is, I assume, where you go to learn to be high-octane and fast. They frown on tardiness there.
Jack of Hearts (Stepwise Motion)
Nine of Clubs (Unrecognizable Samples)
Not sure what to say about this one. I took a guitar sample and pitchshifted it into sounding like a bell. The central chord progression doesn't resolve when it loops, which is either cool or sucks.
Two of Clubs (Changing Modes)
Two of Hearts (Repeat the Same Note)
Another song where I use the Musescore export. The three chords in this progression each represent different modes: A Lydian, B Phrygian, and C Mixolydian.
Five of Hearts (Large Leaps)
Three of Diamonds (Quintuplets)
I don't know how to play Canasta.
The title for this song came first; I tried to write something suitably jaunty for a fun family card game. The off-kilter quintuplet feel of the melody accurately captures what it's like to be taught a game by someone much more skilled in it, I think.
Since this song also uses the Musescore export, this album is kind of an LMMS sandwich.