Albumen Gin

June 2, 2022

The first day album! Songs are inspired using a table of ideas and a deck of cards, drawn from without replacement. Before I started this, I was worried all my songs would end up being based on ideas I had beforehand, which would be against the spirit of things. This didn't really happen. The only things that I had come up beforehand were the table of ideas, the album's name, and what the cover would look like.

I'm generally happy with these songs, but my arrangements are a little samey. A lot of them don't really grow or change beyond adding / removing tracks.

The 24 hour period the album was made in wasn't contiguous since I had to sleep, which is kind of a bummer. Future Day Albums will likely have to be exercises in pacing myself, maintaining energy, and starting early if I want to avoid this in the future.

The font on the cover is Antelope H by Tom7. The egg on the cover was dinner a couple nights ago.

Tracklist (22m 3s total)
  1. Double Royal Fork (0m 52s)


    • Queen of Hearts (Cross-relations)

    • Joker (Draw two more cards)

    • Queen of Diamonds (Swing)

    • King of Diamonds (Triplets)

    LMMS quantized some of the swing notes in a weird way, so I just used the MuseScore export.

  2. Snowfield Flying Lessons (1m 42s)


    • Seven of Clubs (Clusters)

    • King of Clubs (Chromatic Mediants)

    Used some sampled chords and drum segments from Garageband + my thrift store Casio keyboard. I'm convinced I've heard this chord progression somewhere before.

  3. Levitation (2m 9s)


    • Ace of Clubs (Tritone Substitutions)

    • Jack of Diamonds (Odd Time Signatures)

    This one uses some organ chords recorded from the Casio. While making this song I accidentally discovered how to use my sampler VST's LFO. It gives the organ chords a nice rotary feel.

  4. Asynchronous Night Out (2m 9s)


    • Four of Spades (Trade Between Speakers)

    • Four of Diamonds (Polyrhythm / Polymeter)

    I was pretty annoyed at getting the Four of Spades here, as it meant I had to stop making everything mono.

  5. Quartzite Timescales (2m 19s)


    • Five of Spades (Sidechain)

    • Eight of Clubs (Diminished Chords)

    More Casio chords. I like the tone of the filter on this one.

  6. Myriad Mistaken Mulligan Mysteries (1m 3s)


    • Ace of Diamonds (Asymmetric Subdivisions)

    • Four of Hearts (Approach Notes)

    Pro Gamer Tip: If you don't like how a song is shaping up, give it a really cool and/or really long title in an attempt to distract people. This never fails.

  7. Loose Grit In The Flywheel (1m 20s)


    • Ten of Diamonds (Metric Modulation)

    • Two of Diamonds (Abrupt Stop / Start)

    This one's definitely an experiment. I wrote a bunch of piano snippets that I thought sounded interestingly mechanical and sequenced them. The different segments are in different time signatures but each take the same amount of time, thus fulfilling the metric modulation requirement. I think this leads to an interesting sound, but it could definitely be executed better.

  8. The Future Opens Wide (3m 3s)


    • Nine of Hearts (Repeated Ostinatos)

    • Eight of Spades (Tremolo)

    This is the first song written after that sleep break mentioned in the description. This one samples a single note from the Casio rather than a whole chord, which allows me to have more fun with the voicings.

  9. Late to NITRO SCHOOL (1m 39s)


    • Six of Diamonds (Claves / Tresillos)

    • Three of Hearts (Long Rests)

    NITRO SCHOOL is, I assume, where you go to learn to be high-octane and fast. They frown on tardiness there.

  10. Bulkhead (2m 47s)


    • Jack of Hearts (Stepwise Motion)

    • Nine of Clubs (Unrecognizable Samples)

    Not sure what to say about this one. I took a guitar sample and pitchshifted it into sounding like a bell. The central chord progression doesn't resolve when it loops, which is either cool or sucks.

  11. Albumen Gin (1m 44s)


    • Two of Clubs (Changing Modes)

    • Two of Hearts (Repeat the Same Note)

    Another song where I use the Musescore export. The three chords in this progression each represent different modes: A Lydian, B Phrygian, and C Mixolydian.

  12. Canasta with Grandma (1m 12s)


    • Five of Hearts (Large Leaps)

    • Three of Diamonds (Quintuplets)

    I don't know how to play Canasta.

    The title for this song came first; I tried to write something suitably jaunty for a fun family card game. The off-kilter quintuplet feel of the melody accurately captures what it's like to be taught a game by someone much more skilled in it, I think.

    Since this song also uses the Musescore export, this album is kind of an LMMS sandwich.